The Bible says we are the aroma (fragrance) of Christ. Let's spread that fragrance around!

2 Corinthians 2:15, : For we are to God the aroma of Christ, among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sounds of Summer~Author unknown

Summer is a wonderful time of the year
It makes people ecstatic and brimming with cheer
When we rise in the morning with the sun shining so bright

We listen to the birdies melodies with so much delight
The trees are so attractive amid their leaves so green

While the grass obtained its color from its long winter dream
The flowers are multicolored of red, white, yellow, pink green and blue 

That radiates in various aromas for me or for you
The squirrels are in a frenzy rousting about
While listening to the children as they frolic and shout 

There's swimming and hunting and fishing galore
While the beachcombers are at leisure on the dry sunny shore 

The fish are forming schools in the deep blue sea
Avoiding the obstacles they encounter from you or from me

The wildlife are enjoying their freedom at bay
In hopes that no predators will stand in their way
The butterflies are dancing their way through the air
As the warm gentle breeze blows softly through our hair

The stars are brightly shining on the serene summer night ...
While the campfires are crackling with the moon oh So...Bright 

Summer is a season to cherish its fantastic! Its divine
Creating a world without summer simply wasn't God's design.

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