The Bible says we are the aroma (fragrance) of Christ. Let's spread that fragrance around!

2 Corinthians 2:15, : For we are to God the aroma of Christ, among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Eyes of your heart

Have you been able to see the pain in a person's heart?
Have there been times you were able to see things in your spirit when you prayed for someone who's miles and miles away?
Yes, God can show us things so that we are moved to pray or praise God for someone who is close by or far away. 
Years back I happened to read a blog posted by a brother in Christ, Ken Jones.
It sure blessed me.
So often we judge people by what we see and hear.
Beyond flaws and failures there's a heart within that cares, that struggles to be set free, that needs love and prayers.
My spiritual eyes was enlightened after reading that.
Sometimes we let this spiritual eyes of the heart grow dull and insensitive. 
Let's ask God to help us see people with our hearts eyes.
Let's look past their outward behaviour, their failures and see their love, their need for love, their struggles, pain, loneliness and love them like Jesus did.
May you be Blessed too!
Julia 🌺🌿

Where Are Your Eyes?
Ken Jones
Ephesians 1:18 "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you."

I love music, I like walking through Wal-Mart’s music section looking at the CD’s. There is a young man who works in that section, I will leave his name out, but he has Down syndrome. This young man is filled with joy one day I was leaving the parking lot, he was waiting for the bus, he had his headphones on, and he was dancing and singing at the top of his lungs. I witnessed pure joy from this fellow. When I walk through his section, he comes over to me and always says; hey big guy, do you need some help.
 I do notice some people ignore him; maybe they are looking at him with the eyes in their head.
I see him with the eyes in my heart.
How many people do we know that we listen to and see the words and actions they are using and only see through the eyes and ears in our heads?
Paul says we have eyes in our hearts. What a beautiful way of expressing love, to actually use them. We can use the eyes in our hearts to see what people are really saying, what they are really experiencing, what they are really going through. Do we look for their pain, their joy, and their love?
I have been blessed with so many people in my life who have seen me with the eyes in their hearts. They ask how I am doing, I say; fine.
These people that see with the eyes of their hearts say; you don’t look fine, would you like to talk about it?
These people have seen me over the phone, internet, in person and through the mail. It is no coincidence that they encourage me or say just the right thing at the right time.
They see what I need close up and long distance, because they are using the eyes in their hearts.
What do we see when we look at the homeless, the people sleeping in bus and train stations, alcoholics, drug addicts, porn addicts, people who brag, gossip, complain, whine, yell, overly dependent, use foul language, tell dirty jokes, we can add to this list.
Do we simply get annoyed, stiffen our necks and say humph, or do we see them through the eyes in our hearts. Do we see them as children of God crying out for love or attention? Do we see them, not the visual but who they really are? They weren’t children who said when I grow up this is what I want to be. Do we see them with the eyes in our hearts?
Paul prayed for the people of Ephesus, for the eyes of their hearts to be enlightened, to look at things differently, lovingly, spiritually and the way God sees things.
To spend time, to stop, look, listen, and feel what people are saying and doing.
Who are they?
I don’t mean their names or what they do; I mean who they really are. We find this out by looking at them with the eyes in our hearts. We find out what people are going through, if we know, we may even be able to get rid of some old resentments if we look at them through our heart’s eyes.
Today I challenge you and I challenge me, to pay closer attention to our biological family, husbands, wives, church family, neighbors, friends and everyone through the eyes of our hearts. My guess our lives will be enriched for it. You can also use these eyes to read God’s Word in the Bible. Paul is praying for each of us too in Ephesians 1:18. 
God Bless
Ken Jones

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