The Bible says we are the aroma (fragrance) of Christ. Let's spread that fragrance around!

2 Corinthians 2:15, : For we are to God the aroma of Christ, among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Prayer walk~Jericho March

What is Prayer walking?
As its name implies “Prayer walking” is praying while walking. It sounds simple doesn’t it? That’s the wonder of prayer walking; it is simple. But don’t underestimate the power of prayer walking.
Fransis of Assisi went through the streets of Italy singing, preaching, praying and fasting until 1000's of youth were saved.

Someone described prayer walk as:
 •Walking with God
 •Being a Prayer Warrior
 •Intercessory prayer
 •Being sensitive to the Word of God by His Spirit
 •Praying in response to what you see and hear
 •Seeing through God’s eyes
 •Steps of faith and obedience
 •Praying on-site with insight.

Prayer walks can be can be done alone, but many find that their prayers are more focused when expressed with a friend, families, and small groups. Even if two or three gather God's there in their midst.
 We can walk through our neighborhood, city or any street /lane/ area the Lord leads us to and pray.
Even our daily morning/evening walks, walk to the bazaar can be our prayer walk.
Prayer walkers need to be fully armored, be prepared, pray with a purpose and pray with results. Let's pray with God’s Spirit, inviting Him to accompany us, let Him guide our steps and our words. Let's pray God's Word and read Scripture aloud and pray with purpose!
 We can pray for God to open doors of communication soon.
If someone should ask what we are doing, we can explain “We’re praying God’s blessing on the neighborhood. Is there anything we can pray for you or others?”
We need to be persistent.
A very unique and touching model of prayer adopted by our Royal Kids Prayer Ministry(in Chennai), where they go around the neighborhoods, early in the morning every day in pairs even the two and three year old kids, joining in the Jericho march to pray.
"Jesus, I claim this area for You.
Jesus, I claim this family for You.
Jesus, I claim the children in this home for You. Bless them.
Read more here:
God's raising an army of kids who are cast away by the world to praise and Worship Him and intercede for the Nations..
Pray the Lord will raise up more kids like these.

Someone else wrote: Quote:Prayer walks can be as short as a block or as long as many miles. The idea is to use the five senses—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—to increase the intercessor’s understanding of prayer needs.

For example, if you walk through your neighborhood looking for things to pray about, you might come across a yard that is extremely untidy and rundown. This might prompt you to pray for the health, both physical and spiritual, of the residents inside. Some groups prayer walk around schools, prompting prayer for the teachers and students inside, for their safety and peace, and for the schemes of the devil in their school to be thwarted. Some people feel they can concentrate and direct their prayers more effectively by walking near the people and places they are praying for.

Prayer walking is a relatively new phenomenon, the origin of which is not clear. There is no biblical model for prayer walking, although since walking was the major mode of transportation in Bible times, clearly people must have walked and prayed at the same time. However, there is no direct command that prayer walking is something we should be doing. To believe that prayers offered in any setting, or while in any position, are more effective than those offered at another time or in another manner is not scriptural. In addition, while we may feel we need to be close to a location or situation to pray more clearly, our heavenly Father, who is everywhere at all times, knows exactly what needs are present and will respond to them in His own perfect will and timing. The fact that He allows us to be part of His plans through our prayers is for our benefit, not His.

We are commanded to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and since walking is something we do daily, surely part of praying without ceasing is praying while walking. God hears all prayers offered by those who abide in Christ (John 15:7), regardless of time, place, or position. At the same time, there certainly is no command against prayer walking, and anything that prompts us to pray is worthy of consideration. Source: http://www.gotquestions.org/prayer-walking.html#ixzz2NfhMkb1X  
Let's make our daily walks a prayer walk..
Be blessed,

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