Hi family and friends..
Tears shed at our Lord's feet is never in vain.
Tears move God's heart. Tears are usually associated with women but men cry too!
When we are overwhelmed with joy, pain, sadness, separation,
our eyes swell up with tears.
The Bible says...
will reap with songs of joy.
But here I write about the tears of a praying woman.
The tears of a woman who prays (that may be our mother, grand-mother, wife, sister, friend) can do wonders.
When a woman cries out to God (well He'll listen to the cries of men too) God's heart is moved. He keeps a record of every tear.
list my tears on your scroll
are they not in your record? "
These tears shed at the Lord's feet can result in healing of the sick, bring restoration, save a prodigal son, a rebellious daughter or change a spouse who's an alcoholic or a friend struggling with an addiction.
Jesus Christ our Lord, cares for all that concerns us. When we are discouraged and feel no one understands let's remember our Lord keeps even a record of our tears.
Isn't that comforting?
listen to my cry for help;
Even as we sow in tears we'll reap in joy!!
As we bow down before HIM & lay our burdens at His feet with tears, we'll rise up with joy!!
Tears move God's heart.
In Luke 7:10-15, we see a widow cry over the death of her only son and Jesus was touched and told her not to cry and raised her son from the dead.
14 Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, "Young man, I say to you, get up!" 15 The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother."
Today when we cry about situation that may seem dead and lifeless to us, God will give us hope by giving life and reviving that situation.
Again in Luke 7:36-43, we see a woman who lived a sinful life came and sat at the feet of JESUS and wet His feet with her tears.
she began to wet his feet with her tears.
Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them."
People around her did not understand but Jesus seen her repentant heart, her love and noticed every tear she shed at His feet.
47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."
Today let's take all that burdens us to our Lord in prayer. Let's cry out to Him and He will hear us, He will help us and give the desires of our hearts.
Be blessed,
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